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CC 1 - Understanding the Growth and Core Development of Children and Youth

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Early care and education and out-of-school time educators must understand and be able to articulate the typical stages of growth and development (developmental milestones) and individual and developmental variations. These variations include experience, health, cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and communication strengths and abilities as well as the many factors that can influence the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth of all children and youth.

It is critical for educators to know and be able to apply commonly accepted research and development theories regarding children and youth, the implications of early brain development, the understanding of how children and youth learn; and the adult’s role in positively supporting individual growth and development. Educators must know how to create safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environments that encompass developmentally appropriate practices, establish foundations for future growth, and engage young people in building social skills and knowledge.

  • A. General principles of child and youth development
  • B. Physical development
  • C. Sensory development
  • D. Language development
  • E. Cognitive development
  • F. Social-emotional development
  • G. Individual differences in development


Narrated Presentation - Part I
Narrated Presentation - Part II
Presentation Hand Out View- Part I
Presentation Hand Out View - Part II
Supplemental Reading
*Self Assessment


*The self assessment will help you to determine direction for future professional development in this core competency area.  You can complete the self-assessment and print by using the print button at the bottom of the self assessment.  If you hit the submit button you will be sharing your information within survey monkey, this is not a part of the research project and will not be used in any way.