Enlaces que admiten Competencias Básicas

•       606 CMR 7.00:      Standards for the licensure or  approval of family child care; small group  and school age and large group and school  age child care programs

•       NAEYC Code of Ethics

•       NAEYC Accreditation Standards

•       NAFCC Accreditation Standards

•       DEC Recommended Practice

•       Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers

•       Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences

•       Early Childhood Program Standards:

•       2011 Massachusetts Curriculum Framework

–      English Language Arts

–      Mathematics

•       Massachusetts QRIS –

–      Center and school based

–      Family child care

–      After school and out of school time care

•       COA Accreditation standards


How Children Learn:

Vosniadou, S. Academia Internacional de Educación, Departamento de Investigaciones Educativas del Cinvestav. (2000). Cómo aprenden los niños Ciudad de México: Educational practices series. Retrieved from http://www.ibe.unesco.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/Educational_Practices/EdPractices_7s.pdf


About MA New Curriculum Framework Math/ELA:

Vohs, J. (2011). Las normas nacionales de aprendizaje común y massachusetts. Federation for children with special needs: Newsline, 31(3), Retrieved from http://fcsn.org/newsline/v31n3/nccs_span.php


Basic Competencies:

Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. (2010).Programas para despues de la escuela y fuera del horario escolar: estandares QRIS Retrieved from: http://www.mass.gov/edu/docs/eec/qris/qris-asost-spa.pdf


Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2006).Estándares básicos de competencias en lenguaje, matemáticas, ciencias y ciudadanas: Guía sobre lo que los estudiantes deben saber y saber hacer con lo que aprenden [pp.1-17]. Retrieved from http://www.mineducacion.gov.co/1621/articles-116042_archivo_pdf.pdf


NAEYC code of ethics (Spanish) http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/conductaEtica.pdf

Asociación Nacional de Educación Infantil. (2005).Código de conducta Ética y declaración de compromiso Washington, D.C.: Retrieved from http://www.naeyc.org/files/naeyc/file/positions/conductaEtica.pdf


NAEYC accreditation standards (Spanish) http://alcanza.uprrp.edu/acreditacion.html


El sistema de acreditación de la naeyc. (2008). Unpublished manuscript, Centro de investigaciones Educativas, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Retrieved from http://alcanza.uprrp.edu/acreditacion.html


Child Care Aware Resources for Parent/Teacher Guidance, Organizational Links, Articles: http://childcareaware.org/es/proveedores-de-cuidados-de-ni%C3%B1os


Proveedores de cuidados de niños. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://childcareaware.org/es/proveedores-de-cuidados-de-ni%C3%B1os


The Office of Child Care’s National Child Care Information and Technical Assistance Center. (2011). Empezando y operando un negocio de cuidado de niños (No. 43009). Washington, D.C.: Retrieved from http://nccic.acf.hhs.gov/files/resources/startup_sp.pdf


 606 CMR 7.00:      Standards for the licensure or  approval of family child care; small group  and school age and large group and school  age child care programs (Spanish)http://www.mass.gov/edu/docs/eec/regs-policies/20100122-606-cmr-u.pdf


Massachusetts QRIS- Family Child Care:

U.S. Department of Education, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. (2010).Cuidado familiar de ninos normas QRIS Washington, D.C.: Retrieved from http://www.eec.state.ma.us/docs1/board_materials/20110324_qris_standards_fcc_spanish.pdf


Massachusetts QRIS- Standards for schools and centers:

U.S. Department of Education, Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. (2010). Estándares QRIS para centros y escuelas Washington, D.C.: Retrieved fromhttp://www.mass.gov/edu/docs/eec/qris/qris-ctr-skol-spa.pdf

Citation: Enlaces que admiten Competencias Básicas. (2011, July 19). Retrieved November 06, 2014, from UMass Boston OpenCourseware Web site: http://ocw.umb.edu/early-education-development/eec-core-competencies-spanish-version/links-that-support-core-competencies.
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