
Course Description

This graduate course will introduce students to the processes controlling phytoplankton, zooplankton, heterotrophic bacterial and benthic infaunal growth and abundance. We'll do a broad-scale survey of patterns of productivity and abundance in the coastal zones, upwelling centers, gyres, and the deep sea. We'll briefly survey ecosystem simulation models, especially those applicable to the Gulf of Maine. Readings will be from the primary literature and a few book chapters. The effects of anthropogenic effects on marine communities will be stressed throughout. Calculus will be used throughout the course, but there is no formal calculus requirement.



There are no formal prerequisites for the course. However, biological oceanography is a quantitative field, so you must become familiar with some mathematical equations. Calculus isn't required, but it is strongly recommended. Calculus will be used in many of the primary papers. Equations describing population growth and many other concepts are based on differential and integral equations.

Required Textbook


Other Reading


Area % of Grade

Project 1 on Benthos 25%
Project 2 on Plankton & Modeling 25%
Final Exam 25%
Discussion 25%
Total 100%

The table above includes sample data. Edit the table as befits the class being worked on.

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Citation: Gallagher, E. (2009, May 12). Syllabus. Retrieved November 06, 2014, from UMass Boston OpenCourseware Web site:
Copyright 2014, Eugene Gallagher. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License