
Course introduction, syllabus, surveys, defining 'reality' and 'America' Course materials, read and annotate excerpt from Zinn's A People's History
Annotation, selecting and presenting evidence, defining, constructing, and Zinn Re-annotate Zinn's "…Progress", read and annotate excerpt from Zinn's graphic Empire
Double entries, constructing and deconstructing, Atwan's Convergences Categorization-of-Zinn double entry, read and annotate except from Mann's 1491
Comparison of history to interdisciplinary research in Mann's 1491, advising Read and annotate individual selection from Mann's 1491
Pratt's "Contact Zone" and 1491, e-mail address list Reread and reannotate individual excerpts from 1491
Review course vocabulary and double entries, Unit 1 readings Annotate Paper 1 instruction, paper sources double entry
Computer Lab. Excerpts from double entries, Paper 1 instructions Scan Women of the West or WPA: La Diabla A Pie excerpt, position , paragraphs
Layering of authorship and filtering, group responses to homework, position paragraphs Annotate excerpt from Turkle's Life on the Screen, PAPER I version 1

Computer Lab. Peer review, web-blog responses to "Identity Crisis" "Identity Crisis" (Life on the Screen) double entry
Comparing use of evidence, disciplines and perception of reality, view Jhally's Advertising Finish Advertising and the End of the World double entry, PAPER I version 2
Computer Lab: Oxford English Dictionary, the present and calendar websites, Healey Library research. Annotate chapters in How to Watch by Postman and Powers.
Compare/contrast arguments and types of arguments made in Unit 2 sources, disciplines Double entry based on class discussion
 Computer lab. Reworking double entries, "reality" programing, categorizing programs Revise double entries as necessary, complete group work before Tuesday of week 8
Paper II instructions, position paragraphs, mid-semester evaluations Annotate Paper II instructions, position paragraphs
Computer lab. Group web-blog responses, Healey Library Catalog, Reserve Desk PAPER II version1
Peer review, specific wording, examining arguments made in student papers, adding evidence   Revise PAPER II according to comments
Documentation styles and pages, advising, read web-blogs responses to group work Complete documentation page, review Paper II for clear attribution.
Final review of Paper II, dual language compositions  Annotate LeGuin's "Why are Americans Afraid of Dragons?", PAPER II version 2
Computer Lab: LeGuin and Unit 3's reversal, brainstorm for project/construction, forming project proposal Complete project proposal (method, message, media)
Begin drafting and forming actual project Complete initial version of Project 
Computer Lab: Assessment of Projects, begin documentation page and list of search terms. Read Project evaluations, annotate "Man's Rights", appropriate from its contextualization
Healey Library CLI: Electronic library research- the deep or hidden web and scholarly sources.  complete Final Version of Project
Computer Lab. Continue electronic library research, "Man's Rights", contextualizing projects, citing students' projects, documentation pages, position paragraphs Annotate Paper III and creator statement instructions, Paper III version I
Healey Library CLI: Collaborative research review view The Brother From Another Planet
Computer Lab. Continued library research, Paper III and authorship, peer review, presentation instructions Presentation notes, presentation handouts
Presentations, Paper III revision Revise presentation handouts and presentation notes 
Presentations, evaluations Revise Paper III including title and documentation pages
Presentations, creator statements PAPER III version 2, and portfolio, creator statement 
Final copy of Paper III, Gallery Day Read initial feedback on project/portfolio, speak to Meesh if instructed to do so.


Copyright ©2010 Meesh McCarthy

Citation: McCarthy, M. (2010, October 27). Calendar. Retrieved November 06, 2014, from UMass Boston OpenCourseware Web site:
Copyright 2014, Meesh McCarthy. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License