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Accessibility Guidelines

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Guidelines to help determine if content meets accessibility standards.

Checklist for Accessibility

Creating accessible Web-based resources is a necessary step towards a classroom environment that supports the learning needs of all students. This checklist identifies several of the basic steps relevant to creating accessible Web-based resources in an educational setting; it is not a complete list to creating accessible Web content.

Accessibility Issue Yes No N/A
Appropriate text descriptions for images.

Transcript or alternative provided for audio content.

Captioning provided for video/media content.

At least one video is opened on the user's computer (i.e., video is not embedded on the Web page).

Hyperlinks provide clear information as to end location or function.

Other elements beside color are used to convey information (e.g., asterisk, etc.).

Sufficient color contrast is present to differentiate between the foreground and background.

Tables with data have appropriate row and column headers identified.

MS PowerPoint presentations accessible or are available in an accessible format

Adobe PDF documents are accessible or available in an accessible format

Interactive experiences are accessible or alternate available that conveys the same educational objectives.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
2008, High Tech Center Training Unit of the California Community Colleges