
Assignment Due Date Instructions Topic(s): Attempt ONE question.
1 6/12/08 11:59PM The assignment should be about 1500 words in length, with sources clearly referenced.

1. Why did the Western Roman Empire collapse in the fifth century?

2. Discuss the effects of the barbarian invasions on the Roman Empire. How were the barbarians assimilated into the Empire?

3. Survey the development of monasticism in the late Roman Empire. What was the role of the monasteries in the preservation of culture and literacy during the early Middle Ages?

4. Give an account of the pontificate of Pope (St.) Gregory the Great (590-604). How does it illustrate the position of the papacy in the sixth century? Why do you think he is called “the Great”?

2 06/26/08 11:59PM The assignment should be about 1500 words in length, with sources clearly referenced.

1. What were the main achievements of the Emperor Justinian’s reign?

2. How did Ireland and England become Christian? [Look at the role of foreign missionaries like St. Patrick and Augustine of Canterbury]

3. What were the effects of the Viking raids on the society and economy of Western Europe?

4. Discuss the rise of the Arab Empire. What territories did it include and what were some of the reasons for its amazing success?

3 07/07/08 11:59PM The assignment should be about 1800- 2000 words in length, with sources clearly referenced.

Final Research Paper

Copyright ©2008 Aidan Breen, Ph.D.
Citation: Breen, A. (2008, July 28). Assignments. Retrieved November 06, 2014, from UMass Boston OpenCourseware Web site:
Copyright 2014, Aidan Breen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Creative Commons License