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Number of Credits: 4

Course Description:
Math 141 (Calculus II) is the second course in the calculus sequence and is a continuation of Math 140. We will study techniques of integration and applications, a bit of differential equations, parametric curves, polar coordinates, and sequences and series. The focus will be both on understanding mathematical concepts and techniques, and on applying this knowledge into other fields.

Math 140. The prerequisite rule is strictly enforced: if you don't have the prerequisites, then you will be asked to drop Math141, or the instructor will request the registrar to dis-enroll you. Don't blame the instructor! It is in your best interest to have the prerequisites for taking Math141. Strong algebraic skills and knowledge of trigonometry are essential to success in Math 141.

Class Meetings:
M 10:30-11:20, W 9:30-11:20, and F 10:30-11:20 in M-01-0208.
Catalin Zara
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: S-3-091
Office phone: (617) 287-6463

Required: James Stewart: Single Variable Calculus, Fifth Edition, Brooks/Cole, 2003. We will cover selected sections from chapters 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. This is the same book and edition as the one used in Math140. The book is available at the bookstore.
Recommended: Student Solutions Manual.

Grading Policy:
The numbers shown here are provided as a guideline. Borderline situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and adjustments are possible.
Grade Points Percentage
A 630 90%
B 560 80%
C 490 70%
D 420 60%

Not passing a course is never a good idea, but not devoting enough time and effort to (and therefore failing) Math 141 is a particularly bad plan: Math 141 is a prerequisite for many courses in math, physics, chemistry, and is a core requirement for all Engineering majors (among others), so not passing it will delay you at least one semester. Think of the time you devote to Math 141 as an investment for the future: the better you understand calculus, the better prepared you will be for more advanced classes in your field, and the easier it will be for you to pass those classes.
Assignment Date Points
Exam #1 Feb 22 100
Exam #2 Mar 29 100
Exam #3 May 3 100
Final Exam TBD 200
Homework   100
Reading   50
Participation   50
Total Score   700
Your performance on exams will be the primary evidence that you have understood the material, and will be the dominant criterion in assigning the final grade. A list of suggested review problems will be provided before each exam. The review problems will help you prepare for the exam, but by no means should you think that exam problems will be taken from that list only. Calculators will not be allowed on exams, but you won't really need one. The exams will be closed-book exams. Please let me know as soon as possible of any conflicts in exam dates. In case you miss an exam with an official excuse or after making arrangements with the instructor prior to the exam date, you will have one chance to take a make-up exam, normally during the week following the original date of the exam. It will be your responsibility to resolve any conflicts the new date creates. In all other situations, a missed exam will get a score of zero.

Mathematics knowledge can not be achieved simply by attending lectures. Problems from the book will be assigned frequently, but will not be collected. Each week you will have an online assignment, using WeBWorK ( ). You will have generous time to work on each problem set, but don't wait until the last minute. Technical difficulties with your computer, connection, mouse, dog, or others, will not be accepted as excuses. For each hour we spend in class, you should plan to spend 2-3 hours at home, both before and after lecture. Consider homework as an opportunity to practice. By working the assigned problems, you get a confirmation that you have understood the concepts and techniques, or you identify the areas where you still have difficulties. Address all difficulties as soon as possible: a problem ignored is not a problem solved. On the contrary, a postponed small problem usually grows into a more serious one. Feel free to work in groups, but make sure you know how to solve every single problem: exams are individual, and they count much more towards your grade than the problem sets.
Reading Assignments:
You are required to read the textbook section before it is discussed in class. Reading the text will help you better participate and understand the lecture and have an idea of the important concepts before you see them in class. For each reading assignment you will be asked to answer a few short questions on the reading. You will send your responses using WebCT, before 9:00 a.m. on the day of the class meeting. If you have thoughtfully read the assignment, these questions will be short and easy to answer. I will use your responses/comments to help me target the next lecture to your needs. Your grade on each assignment will be 0 if you didn't turn it in or that what you turned in did not in any way indicate that you had read the assignment, 1 if you turned something that showed some understanding of the reading, but that in my opinion indicated that you did not read the assignment carefully enough, and 2 if you obviously read the material and answered the questions. Feel free to check on your progress or otherwise consult with me at any time.

Once again, mathematics is not a spectator sport. Active participation is expected. The more you get involved, the better are your chances of learning the material, and getting a good grade. Attendance of all class meetings is required. Students are responsible for all material and announcements missed due to an absence.

Help is governed by the following modified Miranda rights:
  You have the right to ask questions.
  Nothing you ask will be used against you in deciding the final grade.
  You have the right to have a tutor.
  If you cannot afford a tutor, one will be appointed to you free of charge if you wish.

Office Hours:
Scheduled for MF 9:30am-10:20am, and W 11:30am-12:20pm in S-3-91. I will also be available by appointment: if you need to see me and you can't make it to any one of the scheduled office hours, send me an email and we can work together to find a meeting time that works for both of us. You can also stop by my office and if I'm in, then we can talk or set up a meeting time.

Additional Help:
You are encouraged to talk with your classmates, and you might want to form a study group to work together. The office of Academic Support offers assistance with any problems that affect a student's academic career. This office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and is located in room 421 on the third floor of McCormack. If assistance is needed you can phone the office of Academic Support at 617-287-6550. Check also with the Mathematics Resource Center.
Academic Integrity:
All UMass policies regarding ethics and honorable behavior apply to this course. Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity free from fraud and deception and is an educational objective of this institution. All University policies regarding academic integrity apply to this course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or tampering with the academic work of other students. All exam answers must be your own, and you must not provide any assistance to other students during exams. Any instances of academic dishonesty WILL be pursued under the regulations concerning academic integrity. Bottom line: Don't even think about cheating! Any form of cheating will result in a score of 0 for the assignment. Any form of cheating on an exam will result in failure of the class. Serious forms of cheating will be referred to the appropriate University offices and can lead to suspension or expulsion from the University. (If you intend to cheat, check with me in advance to make sure that what you plan to do does not qualify as serious cheating!)

Special Accommodations:
Students with documented special needs should inform the instructor during the first week of classes. Any special needs will be kept completely confidential. Contact the Ross Center for Disability Services (617-287-7430) for documentation if needed. Their web site is

Classroom Courtesy:
Please come to class on time and remember to turn off your cell phone before the class begins. If you have to keep your cell phone open, or if you need to leave a class early, please alert me at the beginning of the class, and sit close to the door so that you do not disturb other students in the class. You can drink your coffee or soft drink in the classroom, but please do not bring any food with you. Disruptive behavior will be penalized.

Communications, Changes, and Cancellations:
I do not expect any changes regarding assignments, exam dates, grading policy, or any other policies. If such changes will become necessary, they will be announced as early as possible, in class and/or by email. Email addresses will be collected at the beginning of the semester. Communications will be made throughout the semester using the email address you provide. It is your responsibility to check your email regularly so that you do not miss any announcements. Any changes or class cancellations will be posted on the official web site on WebCT.

Last modified:
November 2, 2007
Copyright ©2007 Catalin Zara